I discovered this product after my Chiropractor introduced me to the scraping technique for Tennis Elbow (bought direct as it was not on Amazon yet). I was so naive that I thought what would a back doc do with my arm? But time did not allow for me to go in as needed. For months I did not know what was going on with my arm, and once I did I bought a brace, did stretches, and tried to limit use but nothing. Oh the pain would come in waves of ouch to dang I need to take a pain reliever (really not me). It restricted the work I could do for months. I completed my 8 weeks a few weeks ago and my arm is 90% back to normal. To be honest, my strengthening exercises were a no go and my stretching was not consistent so maybe that 10% is on me. I was consistent in the 3 times a week because I really looked forward to my 10 minutes. One is clearly advised not to use it more but it is oh so tempting. Easy to use and my advice is to not overthink its location on ones arm (I just moved it around to where I felt knotted) below my elbow). My only Con is that the strap did stretch out so I hope they can improve on the strap. I often used my other hand to hold it in place. I am a real buyer and user and did not receive any compensation for this review. The only thing I got was a fixed arm! HSA approved devise too