My husband developed tennis elbow while remodeling our home. He lived with the pain and attempted several options including acupuncture to relieve the pain, numbness, and gain grip strength back. The attempts was to keep from going to PT and implementing a stringent schedule and cost.
He is now in week 8 of the Fixx program, which he followed accordingly. Week 2-4 were the brutal weeks as the breakdown and healing process really set in. Going into week 8 we see why fixx stresses to complete the program. Grip strength has tremendously improved, point of pain in elbow and forearm is all but gone, and he doesn’t have to focus completely on what he picks up so not to drop it.
We highly recommend fixx and know that the machine and program works beyond expectations of advertisement when following the written program. Just remember the pain does get worse during week 2 and 3 before quickly taking a turn for improvement during week 4 and beyond.